Heart Response

Some people are fairly jaded when it comes to the generosity of others; always questioning motives; always assuming evil intent. Was that large financial gift a mere tax right off? Or was it seeking after the praise of others? Or maybe it was motivated by sheer guilt; an attempt to assuage their own tattered conscience…. Read More ›

Sabbath Thread

You’ve seen the cartoons where someone or something pulls on a thread and everything unravels. Like that one thread holds everything together; whether it be a sweater or the very fabric of the universe. One strand rules them all. Ah, a Lord of the Rings reference. But kind of like that. There are threads in… Read More ›

All Aglow

You tell your friends about this amazing movie; a movie that moved you in significant ways. Maybe it gave you a different perspective on the suffering of the oppressed. Your friends go to see the movie and you excitedly ask them how it was. They respond with an “ehh, it was okay.” What? How can… Read More ›

Intensifying the Rules

So, your newly licensed teenager is asking to borrow the family car. They have been responsible; they have passed the test; they seem generally trustworthy. You go over some ground rules – like obeying those inconvenient signs that want you to drive 25 miles an hour within residential areas along with all manner of driving… Read More ›

More Than Fair

Has it ever hit you? You deserve death! Okay, most of us walk around believing that we are descent people; somehow deserving life. O sure, we’ll give lip service to grace. We know – because it is found throughout the Bible – that we are saved because God is gracious. But deserving of death? We… Read More ›

The Face of God

In Stephen King’s short story “The Jaunt” a family is preparing to travel to another planet via teleportation. Everyone will be administered a drug that will render them completely unconscious. The reason: they had discovered that every person, without fail, who made the trip while awake arrived in the other location completely insane, and most… Read More ›

With or Without You

Imagine there was this man who was completely underappreciated within his family. His wife barely acknowledged his presence. His children refused to listen and lived in a constant state of rebellion. Both trampled over his presence as if they were in a grape stomping party. So, one day he calls his family together and informs… Read More ›

Hope and Regret

He hurt her, he knew. He tore out her heart, it was true. After the tears dried up, she walked away with a clear message still ringing in his ears, “Leave me alone! I don’t want to have anything to do with you!” He knew he would have to respect her wishes or all hope… Read More ›

Damaged Relationship

What do you do when the person or people you are in relationship with are so stiff necked; so downright stubborn; that they cannot feel your pain? No amount of explaining wakes them up to your reality. No amount of pleading penetrates their hearts.

The Weight of Sin

Sometimes I wonder if we have somehow lost a sense of the seriousness of sin. Or maybe it is that our concept of grace has made sin too light a thing to be bothered with or worried over. We often view the parable of the tax collector and the Pharisee praying in the temple to… Read More ›