Pushing Match

My uncle had a bull who thought the neighbor’s cows were better than my uncle’s. The grass is greener and all that. And because of this, the dumb bull was constantly jumping or breaking through fences to get to those allegedly superior cows. One time he was in the neighbor’s pasture all by his lonesome.

Personal God

If you say a prayer in faith and God has to do what you ask, who is in the position of power? And have we reduced God to some kind of genie in a lamp? Rub the lamp and out pops God asking, “What do you want master?” Or maybe he is like some kind… Read More ›

The Tiny Mighty Act

One year my family came home from Bible camp telling stories about a gnat plague. Well, how bad could that be? I mean gnats are tiny. Maybe my incredulity showed a little because they emphasized how horrible the problem was.

Blood and Water

There once was this society that sprung up beside a mighty river. They noticed right away how important the river was. Every spring the water rose above the banks and watered the land, preparing the soil for all manner of crops. And because it was a mighty river, there was enough water for their livestock… Read More ›

I am Yahweh

I keep getting these phone calls from people telling me they are with the police department or with the fire department and that they are raising money for underprivileged children or for protective gear or for something equally significant.


Have you ever had somebody take away all of your excuses? Frustrating, isn’t it? It kind of forces us to get to the real reason. It goes something like this;


Sometimes we’re a bit like the Wizard of Oz you and I. We put all of our energy into being impressive; donning impressive clothes; speaking impressive words; putting on an impressive display. All the while we are terrified that someone is going to notice the man behind the curtain. And if they notice that we… Read More ›


How do you picture the presence of God? What do you hope for? Do you long for a grandmother God who always has a hug to give, not to mention warm cookies and cold milk? Do you desperately long for the stern father God who demands respectful obedience? Some do, you know. What about the… Read More ›


Be careful! If you try to identify with the poor, you may just find yourself trying to help them. You know, like Teresa, who left the confines of sequestered life and dared to begin a new order so that she could minister to the poorest of the poor in Calcutta, India. Be careful! Because if… Read More ›